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Writer's pictureSmart Girl

Welcome to my studygram!

In 2017, I started an Instagram account called Smartgirlstudy. For a couple of months, I had been following other studygrams (Instagram accounts where people post pictures of their study notes & other student-related inspirations). I followed these accounts because they were a great source of inspiration for my own study notes, but I also liked the fact that they enabled me to be part of a community of like-minded students.

I go to a relatively small high school (there are only about 68 students in my year) & being "smart" is not exactly the most desirable trait (especially for girls). My studygram became a place where I could be myself & I could meet or inspire other people like myself.

The name of my studygram was no mistake - although my biggest goal was to share ideas & inspiration with other students, I also wanted to challenge the ideas that girls aren't smart or shouldn't want to appear smart.

Why do you need a studygram?

While there's a lot of benefit to getting inspiration from other people's studygrams, creating your own can be a good way to keep yourself committed to your school work.  Being able to post about what you've achieved during the day can give you something to look forward to & it's always exciting to look back at your feed at the end of the month or year & see how much you have accomplished. 

Studygram pictures are often more about the aesthetics than the content - adding some stationery to your pictures can make them a little more interesting.

One of the many great things about studygrams is that they're often anonymous - you get to be part of an international community, but no one has to know your name. If you plan on making your account public, it's a good idea to start out with an anonymous account (mostly because it's sometimes easier to keep your studygram separate from your personal life). For the better part of 2 years, my followers knew nothing about me, other than the fact that I was a girl in high school. It's only recently that I shared my name & appearance with them (I did this because I wanted to start building more personal relationships with my followers. I also wanted to add more of a student lifestyle component to what I shared).

Who to follow:

The studygram scene is one that constantly changes (especially as people finish school & move on to other parts of their lives), but if you're looking for some people to follow, here are some of my personal favourites: @emmastudies, @studyquill @biologystudy & @aurostudies. You can also find my account by searching @smartgirlstudy

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